Rick Joy

The use of materials and building form in Rick Joy’s work reflect his approach to architecture. It is most clear with the juxtaposition of the house in Vermont and the Tubac House. Both are single family homes in a rural setting but their aesthetics are completely different. Rick Joy obviously takes cues from the context – for example, the image of a rusty piece of equipment alongside photographs of the Tubac House reveal his inspiration for using weathered steel. In contrast, the form and materials used in the Vermont farmhouse suggest a deep understanding of the New England vernacular.

The experiential quality of Rick Joys work really stood out in these readings – it made me want to experience his buildings first hand! I thought it was especially interesting how he used writing as a way to inform design. It appears that this focus on experience is in no way compromised by his fundamental basics, rather, it is strengthened by his understanding of construction and background as a builder. With this knowledge, details in the building are integrated, giving the building a feeling of wholeness. Collaboration with contractors allows another level of sophistication which is certainly evident – his work is truly inspiring!



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