
Historically, buildings were built out of recycled materials and sustainable materials not because people were thinking sustainably, but because this was a cheaper method to build. Today, it is quite the opposite. It is interesting to look back and realize that sustainable was the cheaper way to go. Where did things go wrong?

Since global warming has been recognized and accepted, the US has been very forthcoming in taking a sustainable approach. This action has been very slow, and is still not quite up to the level it needs to be, but at least the US is taking a forward approach. The US is very large, and the level to which environmental sustainability is evident staggers quite a bit. There are still many people who do not care to acknowledge the environmental problems they are supporting. Cars are still very much the main mode of transportation, and “things” are not re-usable and fixable. Once an item breaks or goes bad, it is thrown out and another one is purchased. It use to be that when something breaks, a replacement part is purchased, or it is sent to a repair shop. While our efforts of recycling and sustainability are progressing, there is still a large part of the nation that is not. The effort is not great enough, and this is a problem.

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