How can we understand and determine a person’s experience of architecture?
How do you interpret Pallassmaa’s ideas about the following?
All art eminates from the body…..
Early childhood memories inform us and form us as we grow up….
Other arts create the importance of place and experience…..
Loneliness and silence of buildings…….
Architecture is understood by utilizing all the 5 senses. Our experience in a building leaves an image in our brain. Everyone’s image is painted differently. Nobody experiences a building the same as another individual. This image in our brain effects our consciousness. This conscious experience is the result of our translation of an experience through a building. If a building successfully produces this emotional experience, then it is a true art. Architecture is not just putting up cool forms with cool materials. The true art of a building is experienced. An artistic experience resonates with us, and our memory reminds us of the importance of place and the experience.
Everything we do, have done, and will do effects our lives. The memories we have of the things we have experienced in our past effect us. Our memories become the way that we think, they inform our ideas. These ideas stay within our consciousness, and are understood by experiencing the loneliness and silence of buildings. Silence can be the best canvas for painting an image in our consciousness.