Snappy Precedent

Thanks to Fai and her recent blog about this Flickr group where people post their presentation boards, I finally found some good precedents to browse through. After flipping through page after page of good looking uploads, I came across this set of four:

board 1board 2board 3

please don't click on these.

(these look best when the width of the page holds all four)

These really drew my eye, and after looking at them for awhile I hope I can tell you why. I really like the way the author combined the 3D images with the 2D ones. The way they overlap, and the way the shapes compliment each other is really great. I also really appreciate the diagrams. The repetition of forms is very appealing to me, and this bit of regularity on the page juxtaposed with the more free-flowing plans and perspectives keeps the pages from falling apart. A small detail I really like is the drop shadow behind the plans. It pops the plan out and keeps it from fading into the background. I also really like the aspect choice the author made. Tall and slim is against the grain, and I like it. It means that she can really fill up the bottom of the page with one great image, and everything else can float around above it. The aspect also roughly mirrors that of the project’s plan, which means it can fit nicely on the board.


board 1

board 2

board 3

board 4