post-midterm review

images from the last review:aerial-from-se-web


    1. the largest take-away from the review is that maybe we are pushing prefabrication and tectonics forward artificially in the incorrect realm. The history of prefabrication in our country doesn’t support the claim of lower costs, unless the production scale is large enough to overcome the transportation/setup costs. That said, since we are designing a prototype, maybe we should approach it in a way that our possibly ‘one-off’ building could be constructed with stick-framing, but leaving the door open to prefabrication if the scale increases to 200 or so units, to be installed around the state.
    1. the second takeaway is that we are still providing too much customization, especially if this becomes a prefabrication process. We need to focus our efforts in design a select number of options, and then let the users/clients choose the most desired. This gets away from a lot of the customization that supports our ideas of ownership and investment. Maybe we can focus this more on finishes and furnishings, or on outdoor space and landscaping, though this is a very important distinction that needs to be made before the projects is over.