This webpage was created by University of Oregon Architecture students taking Nancy Yen-wen Cheng's Arch 484-584 Architectural Design Studio in Fall 2009, part of the Sustainable Cities Initiative.


So after our initial meeting yesterday I started to think about light and the filtering of it. This lead me to thinking about filtering in general! Why concentrate just on light and the known, photographed, ways that people have filtered, altered and used apertures to play with light. Why […] […]

First Day of Studio

This is going to be a fantastic quarter in school. Nancy Cheng is the Studio professor and her energy and enthusiasm for design is contagious. Today in class we used various materials and objects along with a light source to create shadows. I also took a few photos, see the first 4 images below, of light and shadow outside. How do you shape light? This is the basis of my first investigation and design. I will be creating a 12″ x 12″ and a 24″ x […] […]

Fall 2009

sampo-in-alaskaThe purpose of this blog is to chronicle projects, progress, and objectives throughout the University of Oregon graduate architectural design studio titled “shapping light” with instructor Nancy Cheng. I am looking forward to working again with Nancy Cheng, having taken a digital media course which she taught this past winter. Pictured on this entry is an example of a project from that course. […]