American Culture and Kinship

For the first time, My family is spread out all over the US. For this exact reason, i decided to focus my study on kinship and the way that it changed with a family. I explore what it is like to have a mini two person thanksgiving with my father, as well as look at how my family is doing back in Georgia. I asked them what their experience was like over the break as well as talk to my dad about how he felt about coming to visit me. I also included my visit to see my best friend and my visits out to see my horse because friends and pets are often forgotten. They are family, at least to me, as well. I concluded that while many people travel home to see their family, many of us aren’t able too go home. This is why friends are so important. They keep you happy and whole when your family can’t.

I found that there are many differences in the way that each family celebrates the holidays within their small circle of kin. Some have different traditions that are odd too other people. Others have traditions that have shifted over time to accommodate the given circumstances. However you spin it, a family can remain a family no matter how broken or small it is. What matter’s is the strong ties you create and the amount of t\love that your have for each other. This is why kinship is not just about blood relations, but includes anyone that you consider to be your family, and whom you care about.

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