Creative Spirituality Reflection

  1. Spirituality Definition
    In My view, Spirituality is a belief in something, someone or in one’s own self. Belief in someone or something is usually seen by worshiping of a God or of an object that have been given godly attributes. However, Belief in one’s owns self is the belief in the inner good of a person or in other words belief in one inner self. Spirituality in western terms is also defined as Enlightenment, which is defined as the belief in individualism rather than traditional practices or religion practices. Thus, in this definition spirituality have both religious implication and also implication of being just spiritual.
  2. Spirituality Difference from Religion
    Though in many Religions spirituality plays a vital role it thus stands neutral in its association. As in spirituality can be practiced without religion. This is because spirituality stands more abstract then religion. Moreover, spirituality in any instance does not follow a code of ethics like religion but stands as a belief of all moral practice that tends to do moral good for humans or its society. Example of spiritual practices can be seen in the practices of Buddhist monks, as they do not belief is not a religion but rather a life style, which sold purpose the practice of doing good for others and living a simple life.
  3. Creativity Definition
    In my view, anything that is beautiful in the human eye is the product of creativity. Thus, creativity is the act of making something beautiful or the product of a beautifying process. Creativity is mostly considered as an art in the human eyes and the maker of such a creative object is always considered as an artist. However, nature is also beautiful and thus considered creative but in this case the artistic value of such creativity are always credited to God or to the science of nature rather then a human artist.
  4. The Source of Creativity
    In my view, the source of creativity can either be spiritual or evolutionary. As if its evolutionary, it is our “survival instant” to makes things beautiful and thus in the process of making thing beautiful creativity in the human species comes by our evolution. However, if its spiritual, creativity is fueled by both our reasons as humans and meditation of our internal self of what is creative and relating it to our beliefs in nature, science or religion.


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