Stash of Cash

Stash of Cash

So if I find a large amount of cash my first thought would be if the previous owner of the item i bought actually own this money, I mean after all its 21st century.
who keeps large amount of cash with them?

However, my second thought would be on the occupation of the person. As such large amount of cash are not held by people that are normally in respect of the law.
In this view, I might think about informing the police as I would also consider the money being associated with some drug seller or probably some smuggler, who are not very nice while asking for their money back.

But after all, I am just a human and may end up keeping the money. Although I know that keeping the money would probably be the most wrong thing to do both ethically and legally but we live in the era of self interest. We are thought from very early age that we are in the most advance technologically era because of self interest and the key to success and luxury is self interest. Even though I was thought that self interest is necessary for success, I was also thought that it is not right to steal from some one. Therefore, due to my doubt about the previous owner of my purchased item being the owner of the money, I would end up keeping the money until he/she ask me if i found their money in the item I purchased from them.

Finally in my opinion, the right thing to do here would be to actually call the police or donate the money to some NGO that actually people in the world. And of all the scenario I have mentioned I actually don’t know which one I would actually end up doing but actually I won’t know until I end up finding some ridiculously large amount in some thing I found from on craigslist.

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