In my thought food is to somewhat an art. However, as Elizabeth Telfer suggest I will also consider food as a minor art. My reason for this consideration is due to the short lasting aesthetic pleasure from food and its inability to exert emotions that are basically exerted by other form of arts such as a painting, music or landscape. As according to Telfer who identifies music ability to carry emotion as he states “music, although it is not in general representation it seems to be able to carry another kind of meaning, one of which food is not capable: music can express emotion” (Telfer, 25). Likewise Telfer Identification of making food as a craft Ellen Dissanayake also identifies with cooking as an art of “making special”.
However, there is another aspect that is highly questionable in the Telfer’s argument and in the consideration of food as minor art. This has to do with food being one of the major contributors of aesthetics pleasure by the method of smell and taste as if not food what can give a better aesthetic pleasure by taste then food? With this question we must also consider the point of how much importance do we give to aesthetic pleasure by taste. Though, Telfer try to make a good attempt to answer this question, I think we still have many unaccounted issue about the importance of taste in aesthetic pleasure.
Though, I think that there is not anything better in taste than food I cant say the same about smell. As perfume have also a very pleasant scent associated with it which, in comparison to food could be given a higher aesthetic pleasure rate. As with perfume the scent is long lasting and thus can provide aesthetic pleasure for a longer term. As explained by Kurt Anderson and Chandler Burr how Luca Turin belief that there is more to pleasant scent and how it could be capture for aesthetic pleasure in his show on Studio 360. In their conversation about Luca Turin research on pleasant scent they discussed how these scent could be capture and be made into perfume for a longer-term aesthetic pleasure. Thus, I think that aesthetic pleasure need to be categorize as long term and short term or even associated them with their primary method of pleasure and only thus we can identify perfectly what can be consider art and to what extend can we enjoy its aesthetic pleasure.