In the Moment

By: Annika Minges

Oregon Association of Student Council’s is a leadership program for high school and middle school students that focuses on helping them establish and develop their leadership skills. They accomplish this through quarterly camps and conferences that allow aspiring leaders to come together and learn from each other. OASC focuses heavily on building human connections between students and volunteer mentors so that students can continue to grow throughout the year.

Students attending Oregon Association of Student Councils participated in the celebratory dance on the evening of February 18, 2018. These students look forward to the dances that happen at every OASC as event, as they are a great way to let loose after a long weekend of workshops and guest speakers.


Directly after the opening session for Oregon Association of Student Council’s 2018 Winter Energizer camp on February 17, 2018, Seniors student, Delaney Kleiner, gathered with the other members of the 2018 graduating class. The group took a moment to close their eyes and reflect on all OASC has taught them. This is likely their last OASC camp they will attend as students. Some of them have been part of the program since 8th grade, while others just became involved this past year.


Senior students, Paige Norton and Alyssa Tanksley attend their last Oregon Association of Student Council’s Winter Energizer camp. The two were talking about how excited they are to graduate high school in June and hopefully become a member of OASC’s camp staff.


Max Barenberg, owner of Blackboard Music, volunteers his time and equipment for Oregon Association of Student Councils Winter Energizer camp that took place February 17-19, 2018. The camp targets underprivileged high school students, teaching them self-empowerment and leadership skills.  Barenberg, an OASC alumni himself, has been the organizations volunteer DJ since he started his company in 2002.


Students at Oregon Association of Student Council’s Winter Energizer camp, on February 172018, split into teams shortly after their arrival. They were then given multiple team building exercises to complete in a restricted amount of time. This one in particular forced the students to use verbal communication skills to complete the task at hand.