Independent Dinner Theatre

While there are many established companies dedicated to producing dinner theatre, this art form is often used outside of this context for a variety of means. Dinner theatre is a common fundraisers for a variety of organizations and are a staple at many schools and Churches. Typically these events are either Murder Mysteries or Madrigals. These events can be as simple or elaborate as the organization desires/can afford.

On there are recommendations for staging a dinner theatre event:

Here is an example of a fundraiser for the Delmar Public Library in Deleware:

Dinner Theater Poster JPEG

If the production is kept small and there is consideration taken when budgeting for the meals, these events can be very low cost and thus are very effective fundraisers. This also means ticket cost can be kept relatively low, attracting a larger audience. Dinner theatre also has a wider appeal and casual nature, making this a very enjoyable and accessible event for everyone wanting to support the organization.

Dine-in Movies at Disney


Replicating the classic drive-in movie experience, Disney has rigged a sound stage with “automo-booths”, a movie screen playing a variety of old sci-fi clips, and a concession serving classic American diner cuisine (burgers, pancakes, etc.). This is known as their Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater Restaurant and is available at their Orlando location. This space has two key components: 1) the dine-in movie, and 2) the history of drive-ins.

While they have mostly gone the way of the dinosaur, drive-in movie theatres are an iconic piece of American cultural history. Since there was no formal theater to consider, often the concessions at drive-ins offered more than the basic popcorn, candy, and soda. People could and would also bring their own meals. There are still a few drive-ins around the US and many parks and schools offer “screen on the green” events where individuals can picnic in front of an inflatable projection screen. Dine-in movies can thus be as diverse in practice as live performance.

Madrigal Dinners: The Medieval Origins of Modern American Dinner Theatre

A madrigal is defined as “a secular part song without instrumental accompaniment, usually for four to six voices, making abundant use of contrapuntal imitation, popular especially in the 16th and 17th centuries.” In the medieval period, there were large banquets accompanied music and performances. Madrigal Dinners are a modern American recreation of this experience. These events are considered a fundamental genre of dinner thetare. While full of historical inaccuracies and dramatizations, the festivities are thematically Medieval and include madrigal-style music and comedic plays with princesses and jesters. While there have been countless events done in this particular manner, the best example is the well-know Medieval Times franchise ( Being a specific genre, there is a structure to how the meals are served and when particular parts of the performance happen. Most importantly, each course is heralded by song and the full play does not begin until the main course.

Some images:




Sample Dinner Theatre Menus

As a note, Fanny Hill Inn & Dinner Theatre in Eau Claire, WI has closed since this book was published.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

Scanned from: Lynk, W.M. (1993). Dinner theatre: A Survey and Directory. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

South Pacific at Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theatre (2015)

This production of South Pacific is produced by the Good Company Players (GCP) and based out of Roger Rocka’s Dinner Theater in Frescno, Ca. GCP also has a non-dinner theatre space and identifies itself as “Fresno’s Premier Theatre Company.”. The visual is more akin to the what I personally associate with dinner theatre, however they lack the interactive component. The atmosphere is more casual compared to some of the other companies featured in this field guide.

You can learn more about Roger Rocka’s and Good Company Players on their websites:

2015 Brochure for Timbers Restaurant and Dinner Theatre

Below is the current brochure for Timbers Restaurant and Dinner Theatre. Timbers is located in Mt. Gretna, PA.  This brochure is posted in PDF form on their website ( In the brochure is their pricing, menu, contact information, and offerings. It’s important to note that the performances are seasonal and separate from the restaurant.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

The Murder Mystery Company (2015)

This clip is a promotional video for the Murder Mystery Company and also offers a detailed explanation of their term “grimprov.” This focuses on the teaching elements of their presentation and offers great examples of their work.

Murder Mystery Company is one of the largest companies in dinner theatre. They offer a variety of event packages and are available all over the country. They even have an 888 number. They offer weekly public shows in addition to private events. Since they are a network, their model is based on partnerships with preexisting restaurants (mostly Old Spaghetti Factories). The company also uses their performances for team building and corporate events, using the interactive potential of dinner theatre in a practical way. The accomplish this through a unique “fair play” tactic, keeping the event random and the audience on their toes. “Grimpov” is based in the idea of fair play, in which the actors switch up the story and the clues based on audience response. This approach is what allows for all of the education and professional development happens.

You can learn more about the organization on their website: