Artifact 8: Computer Graphics as Art


Demonstrate that the term “art” is universal and that there is no set definition of what art can or cannot be.

Exemplify that computer graphics are just as much art as painting a canvas.


Original Computer Graphics










I chose the above pictures to demonstrate where computer art starts and where it ends. How could you not call that art? The first picture with the black background is oscillations, which was the first graphics made on an analog. The fact that a person can make something so detailed simply by using a computer is amazing to me. The second picture with the two digitalized humans reminds me of car commercials when they show you the crash test ratings. Something so important to life was made with something that people tend to think isn’t that big of a deal…art. Art is a part of our everyday lives. It educational, informational, inspirational and fun. I chose the third picture to demonstrate how amazing and creative even computer graphics can be. The winding, grassy path serves as a piano, then you have the guitar in the background. The guitar says “Jungle,” which makes me think of Rock n’ Roll music. The graphic puts music and art on the same page. All three pictures show how different computer graphics can be. They are historical, informational and creative. Computer graphics are art. Everything can be considered art. The term is completely relative. In B. Jones’ “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins,” it says, “Not all images served technological research or practical purposes, some were done in spare time by engineers and technicians” (Jones, 53). In other words, computer graphics served many purposes as I said before.


The course objective that this artifact achieves in from Week Eight: Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines. In “Computer Art,” it says, “In general, computer art is any art in which computers play a role in production or display of the artwork.” Computer graphics played a part in many productions including movies, computer games, video games, websites, algorithms, etc. Graphics are art just in a different form than canvas and paint. Like I said earlier, they serve to inform, entertain and educate…just like all other forms of art.



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