Artifact 3: Food as Art


Examine methods for evaluating qualities of art, such as product versus process, the difference between craft and fine art, must art be archival, and what is an aesthetic reaction.

Explore the notion of food as an art form.

Consider cultural differences in the production and consumption food.


Original Food as Art



This was my best piece in my opinion because I worked really hard. I’m a HUGE lover of food, especially pasta because I’m Italian. It reminds me of my family every time I eat it. How can food not be considered art? That is the question. “Our beliefs are shaped from a young age and depend greatly on what we are exposed to. Religion, or lack thereof, racial background, and family traditions all play a large role in shaping our social, political and moral views” (Neely, 1). In other words, turkey for me reminds me of Thanksgiving, which then reminds me of being with my family. However, many cultures do not celebrate Thanksgiving, so when a person from a different culture indulges in turkey, it may just be a piece of meat. Art is defined by human emotion. In my opinion, art makes a person feel, and it definitely makes a person think beyond the concrete version of whatever they are looking at. This was one of my arguments in the piece. Who are we to tell a person that something isn’t art. After all, Ellen Dissanayake says that art is universal, right?

In my opinion, there is not one definition of what art is. Art can be a door knob. Art can be one of Picasso’s beautiful works of art. Art can be anything you want it to be. Many times, art is art because it reminds someone of something that they really loved. And sometimes, it is hard to express how much you feel for something through words. Art, even food, is a form of expression. Just as the painter is an artist, so is the chef. Maybe the chef (me) cannot even draw a stick figure to save her life, but a simple bowl of pasta brings back more nostalgia than any canvas.



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