Artifact 4: The Artist’s Collage


To find out what words come to mind when I think of an artist.

Defining an artist.

Defining aspects of art.


The Artist’s Collage Original


The Artist’s Reflection



I chose both this artifact and video because I believe that both fully express the goals I had hoped to achieve from this particular page in my blog. In the video, the woman talks about one of her first pieces, which was a reflection on the water. She continues by saying that it has influenced the rest of her work. She also talks about how important color is to her. In my collage of what six words I think of first when thinking about an artist were interpretation, passion, inspiration, visualization, emotion and creativity. The artist in the video expresses all six words within the first minute of her video. It is interesting to see the way she visualizes different objects and then turns them into tapestry. She is inspired by her first work of the reflection off the water, and so her future work tends to resemble her first. Her passion is apparent as she has turned art into a profession rather than just a hobby. Her emotion is exemplified in all other categories. She speaks of art as if it was closer to her heart than anything else. She truly represents, for me, what a true artist should be like.


The course objective that this artifact helped me to achieve was the one from Week Nine: Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity. Seeing how passionate an artist is about their work, like the woman in the video, shows how important authenticity and protecting artists’ rights is ethically. I would never want to take credit away from someone who felt so passionate. Her art is a way of identifying herself, and who am I to take that away from her?


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