Ted Talk Presentation

This article discusses the idea that many people in modern day society are experimenting with remix culture. For example, in the Ted Talk video “Laws that choke creativity” it is shown that people are taking recent popular songs, or past songs while mashing them with other things such as anime. The argument is that this type of mashing and remixing is looked down upon. It is also discussed that the laws and regulations that are being spoken of are inhibiting younger culture, “amateur culture” from expressing their creativity. I think it is true that regulating these things is blocking people form creating something fantastic, unique, and creative. I want to know what my peers think of this issue, do you believe it is fair for people to use other sources to remix something to their liking?

4 thoughts on “Ted Talk Presentation”

  1. I think that people should be allowed to at least use ideas from someone’s else work for purpose of creative side. I am definitely against of stealing other people’s work but if they use just brief idea to expend on their own idea that should be fine. However, when I am writing this right now, I think that I would be mad if someone would steal my idea to create their own. So, I come to a conclusion that this is a very controversial subject and it is hard to say if it is fine to copyright or remix someone without their permission. Actually, I think it is not fine. I think everyone should have permission to do remix while using others work.

  2. This subject is very controversial because the copyright helps to protect the original creations but at the same time one could argue that it puts restrictions on others freedom of speech. I for one am neutral about the topic; I do not agree nor disagree with the intent of copyrighting. I understand that it is protecting the original creation but I enjoy a lot of re-make or remixes of original creations. However, I do believe that if permission is given to incorporate an original piece then it is totally fine.

  3. The idea of copyrights are a double edged sword. On side, it protects a creator of an idea from another person using the idea as their own to make money. The same idea applies to patents as well. On the other side, the fear of being sued greatly inhibits creativity. The argument could be made that musicians, for example, who remix or sample from other artist works, are creating their own unique work in the process. That creates an incredibly ambiguous grey area in my mind. Where does the sampled artist’s work end, and the sampling artist’s work begin?

  4. I think that there is a fine line that must be walked. While the ability to remix is a unique style of art itself then it must be decided what level of control the original creators have. For example if you were to create a beautiful photograph and were lucky enough to sell that to an online source, would you then be happy if your original photo was altered and resold? This is the problem that comes with protecting individual rights and advancing the collective equality.

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