The first person that I observed was a female. From what I could tell she seemed to be a mix of Hispanic and Caucasian. Immediately I noticed her hair, which hung low past her bottom. This made me think that in her family or possibly in her culture having long hair is seen as beautiful for a woman. This could also be important in her religion, signifying maturity. Or her decision to grow her hair out long may all just be personal preference and what she feels most comfortable in. Something that was poignant to me was the fact that during this scorching hot day she was wearing jeans, close toed shoes, and a long sleeve shirt. I assume by this outfit that she is conservative because of how much she chooses to cover up, especially on a hot day like this. Unfortunately somebody who dresses more ‘conservative’ stands out in a crowd where other girls choose to wear extremely revealing outfits. Both of these choices I believe have everything to do with how you were raised and what kind of values and beliefs your parents have. Although it is hard to tell with her hair covering her face as well as her outfit, I could deter that she looked around 19-20 years of age. As for her emotional condition, I consider these things almost impossible to determine for such a short time observing. For the short time I did observe, she seemed focused and intent on her computer possibly her homework.
The next person I observed was the complete opposite. Instead of covering up, she seemed to take pride in her body. I formed this assertion because of the clothes she wore. She had on a very low cut and revealing shirt which exposed her bra. She also wore shorts that revealed more than what I consider acceptable based off of my own values. Because I have grown up in Portland, I have become comfortable to different styles and choices. However, something that has always made me feel uncomfortable is when women reveal too much of their body. I only think this because I believe women do this because they care more about impressing men than respecting their own bodies. I have developed these beliefs based off of how I was raised. My parents taught me to understand it is not important to degrade my own body for someone else’s benefit. From her appearance it looked like she was also in her 20’s. Something I also noticed was that she looked as if she goes tanning. This is another aspect of her personality that highlights the idea that she may care a lot about her appearance. My assumption is that she may feel overwhelmed by the pressures of college.
The third person that I observed was Male, looked about 22 and appeared to be Indian. Immediately I noticed that he was very outgoing and not afraid to show his personality. He spoke in a ‘feminine’ way and also wore a very tight fit t-shirt with shorts and flip-flops. Because of how society has shaped our viewpoints towards men, I made the assumption that he is gay or maybe bisexual. Seeing people who are open about their sexuality makes me happy. Seeing this also makes me think his parents could have been very supportive of his lifestyle choices, helping him feel comfortable in his own skin. It’s very interesting for me to sort out all of these possibilities in my mind. Although I usually do this without writing it down, I feel like I’ve gained insight by hoping to understand others values and morals solely based off of what I can see and hear.