For public relations students who are graduating from college, it can be difficult to choose what next career steps to take. The communications industry is booming, and with so many options, young professionals have lots of opportunities to find a position that will set them up to achieve their future goals. Here’s a quick guide to some of the most common places to start your PR career, helping you learn which may be the right fit for you.

Large Agencies:

Large agencies can have a diverse range of opportunities for new employees. They typically offer a more comprehensive set of services, and with a high volume of clients, you may have a chance to specialize or be exposed to new kinds of communications work, such as media relations, social media management or environmental scanning. Large agencies can also help you expand your network, where you’ll have plenty of chances to connect with clients, coworkers and other peers across the communications industry. This large network, however, can come with a catch, as more peers can mean more competition. With more people vying for the same opportunities, you have to work twice as hard to move up. On the bright side though, as Julia Sahin says, “if you can make it here…you can make it anywhere.” Additionally, many professionals start their career off at a large agency and later use that experience to transition into a PR position at a different company.


If you are looking for a more personalized work experience, then a small PR boutique firm may be for you. With a shorter list of clients and fewer employees, working at a boutique means you get to spend more time working with the same people. This gives you a chance to build teamwork skills, and gives you a louder voice in deciding what projects you work on. You can also have more opportunities for feedback and visibility for the work you do, which can make it easier when you decide to ask for that promotion down the road. Additionally, boutiques have their fair share of connections too! Small PR firms, such as MSR Communications, often work alongside similar companies through industry networks, such as PR Boutiques International. Working at a small firm gives you the opportunity to form closer relationships with your colleagues, so this may be a good fit if you prefer a steady work environment.


Working in-house for a company can be a good option for professionals who want to focus on promoting a single brand. While a corporate position can make it challenging to build connections with other professionals in the communications industry, it offers an opportunity to do a deep dive into a specific industry and focus on setting your company apart from the competition. In-house working environments can also tend to have a more structured company culture. This can make it easier to define and understand your position and responsibilities, but you often have a more rigid set of expectations as well. If you are interested in a particular industry or there is a certain brand that you want to represent, an in-house PR job may be a good fit for you.

There are a lot of different directions for students to go in the PR industry after graduating. It can feel like a big decision as you look for your first job, but remember, you aren’t locked into that career path forever. Whether you work at a position for six months or six years, it’s never too late to reach out to your network and look for a new challenge. Most public relations professionals have worked at a number of companies before finding their perfect fit, therefore, if you aren’t sure what you want to do, don’t feel as though what you choose is what you’ll be trapped in forever. Any experience in the PR industry can lead to more opportunities in the future!