The world of public relations requires hours upon hours spent on social media. Some efforts like environmental scanning, status updates and consumer research can be made on your device, which can be distracting. Sometimes opening Facebook for research can quickly turn into scrolling through TikTok.
So, what role exactly does social media play in PR?
A lot of companies are currently killing the PR game by following influencers and brand-relevant accounts. Here at Allen Hall Public Relations, we do the same. Here are some of our favorites segmented by each major platform!
- @prcoutre: Figuring out what area of PR you want to go into after college is daunting. If that’s your case, check out PR Coutre on Instagram for insightful pick-me-ups. This account is flooded with iconic images and aesthetically pleasing infographics about PR.
- Following PR firms that align with your values is crucial at any point of your career—Rebellious PR is ours. Check out Rebellious’ amazing account showcasing client work with a focus on amplifying diversity.
- @jmg_pr: JMG Public Relations is an award-winning full-service PR agency located in New York City (and a PR hotspot!). Want to learn more about life in NYC as a PR pro? Go give them a follow:)
- @PRNews: Remember reading “environmental scanning” at the beginning? This account is perfect for that. Not only is this account educational in how to succeed in PR, but you can also learn about what NOT to do in crisis communications and more.
- @prsarahevans: We all could use some motivation when it comes to figuring out the next step. If motivational content is what you’re looking for, give Sarah Evans a follow. Her well-structured tweets offer a boost of confidence and prompt reflection to better yourself as a communicator.
- @famouscampaigns: Understanding what has worked well historically is essential in the PR industry. Follow Famous Campaigns for a daily dose of advertising joy, notes on the successes and pitfalls of past PR campaigns
- @girlbosstown: Follow GirlBossTown on TikTok to feed your creativity. Her account is best known for pitching hypothetical strategies to a brand, influencer, or celebrity PR team.
- @hunnter.communications: PR exists everywhere. And Hunter Communications is a must-follow if your heart calls for a career outside of the U.S. Their videos provide insights into PR in a global setting.
- @louise_digitalpr: For some PR comedic relief, scroll over to Louise. Her witty videos educate, entertain and inform viewers on what it’s like being young and working in the PR industry.
- MuckRack Daily: Muck Rack is a go-to for PR pros (let us know in comments if you have more suggestions!) looking for the right storyteller. Muck Rack Daily is a free way to quickly update yourself on the highlights of current events in PR.
- The Daily Brew: The PR world is fast-paced, and those who live in it are pretty busy. This newsletter provides a daily update on the most critical news in stock, health, public policy, aviation, tech, economy, Climate, Covid and basically, everything so that you don’t have to spend hours looking for them.
- Social Media Examiner: This newsletter is the perfect thing to subscribe to if you’re looking for social media marketing tips. This tri-weekly content consists of essential links to original articles and videos so that subscribers can expand their knowledge of tactics, strategies and marketing insights.
- Responsa: Responsa is a process blog. Meaning it focuses less on trends and news instead of on how actually to boost your outreach efforts. These blog posts will relay specific tools and tips to aid the PR process, such as ‘How to boost off-page SEO’ or ‘best time to send an email.’
- Spin Sucks: This blog touches everything from media page management tools to building a successful PR firm during the pandemic. With years of experience, the bloggers at Spin Sucks know what we need to know. The best part, they strive to call out both practical and destructive practices in the communications industry.
- Triple Pundit: Are you practicing or interested in Corporate Social Responsibility? If you are, subscribing to Triple Pundit is highly recommended. This site goes in-depth about engaging employees and consumers in sustainability and the most notable CSR initiatives so that readers succeed at practicing public relations consciously and responsibly.
Hopefully, we introduced you to new valuable platforms! A few minutes of social media catch-up can give you so many inspirations to tips and tricks that could lead to a big PR break. And don’t forget to follow us on our socials!