By Cole Knox of Our Cowbucker Account Team
It is that time of the year when seniors who are about to end their four-year college career are spending their days anxiously sending resumes and typing cover letters. We do this in an attempt to answer that awful question you constantly get from your relatives, “What is your plan after college?” This infamous question usually prompts a rather rehearsed response from my peers and me; however, it would be nice to actually have a real answer to it.
A question that has come up in my job search is, “How do I make myself stand out?” I started doing some research and asking around in my network. Surprisingly, the answers I got back informed me that there are a few key skills that recruiters are looking for in recent graduates. Recruiters place a lot of emphasis on finding graduates with the right skill set that will be a good fit for their companies.
Without further ado, here are the top 5 skills graduate recruiters are looking for!
- Communication
This is a rather broad term, I know. In this context, communication refers to the ability to be clear, concise and focused both verbally and through written forms. Especially in a PR context, this skill is of the utmost importance.
- Team Player
There is nothing worse than a co-worker that does not pull their weight in the group. On the flip side, it is also terrible when someone who doesn’t know how to lead tries to take a leadership role. In the workplace, you have to know your role and play it as such. Additionally, always remember to be respectful and aware of your team members.
- Problem-solving
Organizations are not going to hold your hand like your favorite professor did. You need to display an ability to think rationally through difficult situations and come up with a practical solution. Doing this will prove to employers you have what it takes to make it in whatever industry you want to be a part of.
- Organization
Be effective and efficient. An organized person is someone who shows they have their life together and knows how to prioritize their time and work.
- Confidence
There is a fine line between confidence and cockiness. Don’t go into an interview thinking you have it in the bag. However, do go in confident and ready to show them why they should hire you. Employers want to see candidates that believe in themselves and their work.
Obviously, there are many other skills that recruiters look for, but hopefully, this gives you guys a great start on what skills to show off during those interviews and applications. I know this time can be very stressful, but try and take a deep breath…everything is going to work out!