By Bailey Kummerman of our Keap Athletics Account Team
LinkedIn, a professional networking platform has recently become an outlet for employers to tell their audience why they have decided to hire the inexperienced, right-out-of-college graduate. Professionals are speaking out and telling other professionals to give the inexperienced Gen-Z candidate a chance.
Shanee Moret, founder of MedSnake Media, posted on LinkedIn and shared her reasons why a Gen-Z candidate with little to no experience was the perfect fit for her firm. Many other professionals chimed in on this topic and shared their thoughts on inexperienced college graduates as well.
Here are three reasons why some PR professionals believe inexperienced college graduate might be the perfect candidate for your firm:
- More experience does not guarantee a stronger work ethic. If this job is some candidates’ first experience, then chances are that they are more eager and more willing to learn how your company functions. With guidance, your candidates can develop the skills and strategies that your company embodies.
- Don’t underestimate the programs that undergraduate and graduate students were enrolled in. Graduating is an achievement and if a candidate has graduated, then they have an ability to understand communication theories that are needed for a professional career.
In an article at PRNEWS, Seth Arenstein reported on what PR professionals are seeking from students. Larry Parnell, the director of the master’s program in strategic PR at George Washington University, explained that it’s important to focus on communications theories that are taught in our programs, but it is also important to focus on digital and social media, which is an area that most Gen-Z college students are familiar with.
- Hiring an inexperienced college graduate could enhance the reputation of your firm. In 2016, WE Communications, a global public relations firm, hired an intern with minimal experience. Calli Rose Parise, who is now a Senior Account Executive at Nectar, Communications shared her experience on LinkedIn and explained how WE Communications set her up for success. Taking a chance on an inexperienced student worked for WE Communications and has given WE a reputation for building professionals and success.
If taking a chance on an inexperienced student worked out for a globally known PR firm, then it can work for other firms as well. Taking a chance on a student with minimal experience has proven to be successful throughout many firms and businesses. Students need someone to give them a chance so they can prove themselves successful. Be a leader that creates leaders and gives an inexperienced student a chance before underestimating their ability to succeed in your firm.