Written by PeaceHealth Rides account team members Cole Garry and Kimberly Duyck.
This April, Eugene’s bike share program, PeaceHealth Rides, successfully launched. It has experienced high demand since the moment the system went online. A few of our firm members assisted the program in getting to this point. Here are a few tips and takeaways they have to share with public relations practitioners preparing for their own company launch event:
Prepare for media coverage: It is important to have an idea of which reporters and news sources are planning to attend the event, and what their angles might be. That way you are aware of whom to look out for, welcome and keep an eye out for their piece on the event later. As public relations professionals, it is up to you to welcome media and direct them to where they need to be in order to keep your event moving.
Make a social media plan: Social media is your best friend when it comes to including community members that cannot attend the event in person, as well as spreading awareness post-launch. Additionally, it is a great tool for communicating what to expect when the program launches. Our team worked hard to create a plan that would help PeaceHealth Rides have a cohesive presence on all social media platforms, relay the excitement and engage with supporters.
Assign jobs to your team: To magnify coverage, assign each team member a job during the event. Whether that be engaging with vendors, running a social account or welcoming the media, providing each member with a focus will help cover all your bases.
Invite the community: Launch events are a time of celebration and engagement. Make sure you have done your work prior to the day of the event in making the community aware of your celebration. Be clear about what your event entails and why people should want to come, and utilize all your available channels to do so.
Have fun: This one might seem odd, but it is just as important! You and your team have been working for weeks, months or even years to reach this day. Let that excitement show itself, both in your face-to-face interactions on launch day and in your brand’s social media. It will individualize your brand and make your messages authentic.