Holly Bishop is the head coordinator for the UO Fencing Club. She has been fencing for two and a half years and acts as a representative between the fencing club and UO club sports. She is also involved with recruiting and occasionally coaches as well.

 Kim Walsh: How did you get into fencing?

Holly Bishop: I got into fencing about two years ago, when I was a freshman. I did the club sports open house, and so originally when I came here for introduction I was like oh I want to do archery, that sounds awesome, I get to do bows and arrows, you know Lord of the Rings, fantastic. And so I went to the open house when I first got here and I guess club archery they stopped the year I got here as a freshman and so I was like shoot! So I was walking around and I saw club fencing and I was like well if I can’t do bows and arrows, I’ll just do swords instead. So I went to the first practice and I loved it, I just loved all the people and members there. I just haven’t stopped, it’s been like 2 and a half years later and you know, here I am.

K: How many players does the club have?

H: Currently, those who regularly come to practice probably between 8 and 10. Although it kind of varies, when I started we had about the same amount, but last year, when I was a sophomore, we had about 5-6.

K: Do you compete against other schools?

H: We try too, unfortunately now a days there aren’t too many places that have tournaments. We occasionally go up to Portland or Seattle and do a tournament with the club.

K: How do you advertise your team, recruit?

H: Really the biggest way is word of mouth, a bunch of our members have asked their friends to come in and I know so many people who have tried fencing and they’re like, “Oh my god I love it,” and talk to their friends and they come in and say, “I love it,” and it just keeps going, going, going.

K: What is your favorite part?

H: Um just being able to hit people (laughs). It definitely is like a stress reliever, to like get out on the strip, which is where you fence. And being able to work on your form and technique. Also being head coordinator, it is really fun to bring in new people and to teach them and then to have them really enjoy it.