For as long as I can remember, I have made lists. Lists about everything! One of the main reasons I went into public relations/event planning is because of my organization skills and a passion for logistics.
There is just something about writing a task down and then crossing it off that feels rewarding. This brings me to this week’s blog topic: Checklists and Scheduling.
For every event you plan you will need a checklist. It is a good idea to compile a master checklist that you can customize to the specific event you are developing. If you have a master list already prepared, it allows you to jump into planning and delegating tasks a lot faster.
Here are a few reasons I like lists:
- Provides a way to keep your thoughts and ideas organized
- Helps you remember everything
- Organize tasks in a time sequence
- Helps to get stuff done and be more efficient
- Ease stress
It can be helpful to have several lists separated by category. Some categories include:
- Budget
- Decorations
- Publicity plan
- Timeline
- Staffing
- Event evaluation
- Registration, invitations, programs
I like to think of my lists in a time progressive manner. I start with my immediate needs. What needs to be done right away or what needs to be done before completing other things? When compiling your lists, ask yourself many questions. It is also important to remember other aspects of your event when planning. When thinking of a venue, consider aspects such as transportation needs, will you need audio/visuals and will your entertainment work? You will find that you will start to develop sub-categories customized to your specific event.
If you are in the public relations/event planning industry and you don’t think that list are for you, think again. This industry requires constant multitasking and organization skills. Lists are a great way to keep on top of everything and keep your sanity in the process.
Find an example of a thorough checklist and timeline breakdown, here.
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