Warcraft is a special world, and it will be fun to see where this game goes. As a millennial growing up, for a long time this was THE game. Personally, I believe this game should have a metal/reward for the fact how long it was the world’s most popular game. Then looking towards the future, how will Blizzard maybe revamp the game so it is compatible with later platforms that we may see ourselves playing on one day. Or a more simple question, will Blizzard continue to grow the World of Warcraft to make it something even more progressive than we all once thought.
Looking back on this experience, this was the best game so far in the class (cant leave Pokemon GO out yet). It was interesting using this game as a point for personal identity as well. The idea of identity too, is highly contrasted from the switch from Zork to WoW. The readings in which covered projecting a gamers personal identity, or what they dream of onto the character, I thought were the most intriguing. My mind was reminded too, that many of the general physical traits that can be found in video game are also something I identity with not ever making it more or less hard to relate with the story ultimately. WoW offers it all, and I believe it is the reason why some more modern games are doing so well. League of Legends, and Blizzard’s newest game, Overwatch, give equal abilities for the respective characters who identify as male or female, and as well an equal number of options. Never would I have ever thought that I would use World of Warcraft for this discourse, and sure glad I did. Best part too, as I write this last post my roommate turned on the WoW episode of South Park!
WOW! this article it really great i like it
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