In the first two sessions of play I spent the time exploring the space and world that World of Warcraft has created, and seeing what is new. I explored the initial area in which trolls start in, Durator. I partially did this, because it was fun exploring how the game reflected Jamaican culture through dialect, and setting. And then going from there, how the Tauren race reflects Native American culture in the same ways, but even more so through cultural artifacts too. With this, much respect should be given to Blizzard for their ability to recreate human culture(s) in a metaphorical world.
With this aside, I returned to “playing the game”, that being completing quests to earn EXP and as well some change to get some cools things! I love games that hold many quests that an individual can go and explore, which in return reflect the development of the gamer’s avatar. This is due to the fact that along the journey one acquires specific skills that help further the players growth. In the trolls case (which is probably true for many of the races), the quests help to provide a back round story about the specific race that is chosen. One also learns, about the environment which he/she originates from, and how it helped to shape the race. For example, the Tauren race reflects Native American culture, and in initial missions one explores the country side, and the creatures who roam there. One can find: wolves, boars, an assortment of different birds, and even poachers. A specific mission too that coincides with this all is one that asks the player to go out and eliminate the poachers from the country side to recreate balance in nature. Little quests like these helps the player create an experience of meaning that reflects their own personal morals. Ultimately, making the game that much more of a personal experience during game play.
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