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    Scott Bedbury Lecture Reflection 2/17/13

    My mind was blown away from Scott Bedbury’s lecture. The first thing I noticed was the sheer simplicity of his PowerPoint presentation slides. Each slide had no more than 10 words. The important words were in bold yellow font. It was the most simplistic yet effective presentation I have ever witnessed. Not only did Scott touch on deep concepts behind advertising and marketing, but he also taught me several important life lessons that I will never forget. Here are some key points that stuck with me from his lecture.

    1) Companies think its about them, when its really about the customer.

    2) Create communication that moves people and builds brands.

    3) The way you say something gives it a personality.

    4)Find intersections between the timeless and the timely.

    5) America is so good at worrying about things we have no business worrying about.

    6) Show up stupid.

    7) Evil brands won’t survive.

    8) Be present in the moments that matter most.

    9) Don’t compromise things that give us enjoyment.

    10) It’s okay to be crazy as long as you can relate back to human nature.


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