February 27th, 2013
A couple weeks ago on my way to get some food at the Erb Memorial Union on the University of Oregon campus, I noticed a booth that offered students a hands-on testing for a tablet using Windows 7 software. The people called me over to get “free stuff” and to “try out their product”. I was in no rush so the free part is what really pulled me in. The first thing I noticed was the age group of the people at the booth. They all seemed to be in their early to mid twenties, just like myself. Going off this thought alone I knew they were trying to target college students, hence being on a college campus. Also by having younger looking people advertise for Windows 7, I could deduce that Windows 7 is going with the whole younger correlates to new tactic. In order to get a free beanie, gym bag and sunglasses I filled out a survey on the device that they were advertising for. This forced me to engage with the product and the survey asked me how much I liked the user interface and other questions. Unfortunately, I deem University of Oregon to be a very Mac heavy campus so this campaign probably did not have much of an effect, although they probably gathered very useful data. The free stuff they gave out was branded with the words “Windows 7”, which furthers their promotion for their company and products. I am a sucker for free stuff so despite how cynical I am about wearing consumer branded things, I took the free stuff and was on my way.
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Posted by Alex Orphan
February 27th, 2013
Have you ever seen a video advertisement for Old Spice within the past year or two? Of course you have unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past two years. The ads of old spice are really changing the standard of what it takes to be a successful modern commercial. Old Spice has decided to undergo the campaign of having a severely ridiculously muscular celebrities talk in a deep manly voice as they slide through many weird and random scenarios. This can be seen in the following Ad:
Old Spice Ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-m6Ua9Iqkg
The feel and style that this commercial gives somehow really appeals to modern culture. Many companies are starting to follow this random and absurd style of commercial that is exhibited by Old Spice. Brands such as Cheetoes & Doritos are adopting traits of Old Spice commercials into their own. Looking at new commercials as a whole, I can see that Old Spice has made a profound and large impact on the industry. An ad that has adopted this Old Spice technique can be seen in the following ad:
Direct TV Ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0fa_BaljjQ
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Posted by Alex Orphan
February 24th, 2013

After seeing Star Slinger at Sasquatch! Music Festival 2012, I fell in love with his style of electronic dance music. It is funky fresh and perfectly reflects the direction of modern culture. The reason his music is so unique is that he has bridged the gap between hip hop and electronic dance music. Star Slinger is from the United Kingdom and does not have too much prestige in the electronic scene in the United States. Although I know if he continues to produce that he will be at the top of the charts in no time. Being at his show was probably one of the best moments of my life. It is very hard to classify Star Slinger’s style of electronic music, I classify it as new disco. His music collective is on his soundcloud which is: https://soundcloud.com/starslingeruk
My Favorite Tracks:
Cold War Remix
Beezwax Remix
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Posted by Alex Orphan
February 20th, 2013
Heroes of Newerth (HoN) is an online, multi-player, computer strategy game. This type of game is called a MOBA, which stands for multiplayer online battle arena. I have been playing mirrors of HoN for the past seven years. When I say mirror I am referring to DotA which is exactly the same game as HoN, except that HoN is a newer version of the game created and updated and slightly twisted by another gaming company called S2 Gaming. I have been playing HoN for the past three years and I love it. The game is quite simple to understand, yet it has deep and very complex dynamics. Each round is a match that lasts between 15 minutes to an hour or even more. There are two teams competing against each other, each having five players. Each palyer selects one hero from a total of over 100 heroes and you control this hero for the duration of the game until one team beats the other. The objective is to team up with your teammates and strategically outsmart the other team and defeat them in various battles. There are many spells and items in this game which makes it very hard to comprehend at first. This game requires ambition and critical thinking as well as being a team player. I feel that this game has taught me how to operate and communicate effectively and efficiently within a team in time-crunched situations. The game has recently become free to play and can be downloaded here.
HoN Gameplay Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGtG8W25Q7E
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Posted by Alex Orphan