Artifact Seven : Technology


  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintanence and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines

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Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins, by Beverly Jones explains the relationship between art and technology. Jones states her thesis, “By reviewing specific works and what appear to be underlying conditions and assumptions that shaped these works, I hope to establish the relation of specific image, object, event or environment to conceptual frames. These frames exist within art and technology and are present in other forms of symbolic and material culture” (p21). Jones expands on this by giving a few historic examples such as the stone columns of ancient Egyptian architecture. They were based on earlier papyrus columns. This explains her thesis and the idea that art and technology have a relationship that influence one another. The article explains how theorists of art and humanities examine implicit assumptions about developing technologies and assist in directing the development of new technologies toward cultural desires/goals before technological ones. Art can be seen through technology (computer graphics) as it has evolved. One example of this is that color was first introduced for practical purposes, but then was also used to create images for aesthetic purposes.

In the article it was explained how technologists create a very technical and precise reality simulation through computer graphics (which makes images too perfect). It did not reflect the real world because there were no imperfections or irregularities. Artists found that they wanted to create technologies that displayed artistic movements (simulations to express human skill and machine capabilities).

Today artistic and technological elements are needed in daily life across many works (through practical and professional communities of advertising, entertainment, publishing, business, education, medicine, etc.). They are also both needed in the creation of games. In the article Jones states, “When scientists take these techniques to their logical limits in the technical/scientific realm, they find that they need to borrow the concepts and methods of artistic practice in order to create graphic images that look more real than images based solely on algorithms”(p 28).

I read a chapter from Explorations in Art and Technology, by Linda Candy. In her book it also explores the relationship of art and technology. Candy explains, “Perhaps the emerging order will be defined neither by artists nor by technologists alone. Instead, we may look forward to new types of collaborations that embrace the intersections between technology and art”(p266). It takes collaboration and willingness from both aspects to create great works. As time goes on, openness seems to be more common as technological and artistic aspects realize that they need each other to advance in today’s society.


Candy, L., & Edmonds, E. A. (2002). Explorations in art and technology: Intersection and correspondence. New York: Springer.



This is an image of my family playing some football and ladder golf while camping. This is an activity and even a game for many. The reading from this week explained the progression of technology and games in a technological sense. It amazes me how technology progresses and also how that influences activity without a device (such as a computer or gaming system). I agree that technology and art go hand in hand. I think that each one needs the other to progress. In our reading that idea was explained in greater detail. What I do have trouble with is the idea that technology is becoming the answer to everything. In the TED talk this week, McGonigal explained how games have taught individuals to learn cohesiveness and life skills needed to work together and reach success. While gaming may teach you some things, it does not necessarily teach you life skills unless you take them out into the actual world. She goes on to explain how so many skills are developed within gaming. If you really really are attaining these qualities from games, then they should be able to apply them to real-world situations. Take my picture for example, if you were really good at a football computer games and learned lots of skills through the game would you be able to join this game above and beat everyone? I know this example does not pertain to all games and their purposed, but I think that it illustrates the point that I am trying to make.

Gaming may not always correlate directly to our real-world lives, but I know that art and technology do play an important role for one another. Technology creates precisely what is needed while artist then add human skill and and a creative aspect to the technical components.


I know that technology will only continue to progress. I am interested to see where technology takes us and what will be created in not only my future but my children’s futures. Art and technology are important and influence each other. I think that as they continue to work together there will be many amazing creations to come. I hope that as technology progresses we do not forget the simple things in life.

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