Public Art

The Runquist murals seem to have a lot more to them than what first meets the eye. There is so much detail filled within these pieces that tell a lot about not only individuals but also society and other issues. Within the pieces, the first thing I decided to examine was the issue of diversity throughout the art. I noticed that there actually was not a very diverse population displayed in the pieces. There seemed to be very few people of different race or gender. Doss explains, “Today’s public art diversity speaks to America’s diversity—and to the increasing number of Americans who want to see their cultural interests represented in the public sphere”(p 2). It seems as though the Runquist brothers would want to show a wide range of individuals within their artwork to not only give a true illustration of society but also to entice more individuals to view and respect their work. Doss continues to reiterate this idea as he explains, “Heated conversations over public art subjects, styles, and costs relate particularly to perceptions of public representation, or the lack thereof, in America’s “uneven” public spaces”. Doss goes on to explain that these reactions often reflect how American’s truly feel about themselves and “their voices and their interests in the public sphere”(p 6). This is not to say that their work should not be respected, it is just that (maybe for that time-period) the representation had a lack of variety.

As with any piece of public art, there will always be scrutiny and criticism from others. Doss illustrates this by saying, “Public art discourse, like all conversations, can lead to a larger examination and questioning of assumptions, ideas, and concepts” (p 6). In the Runquist murals these different concepts can be viewed in terms of a hierarchy and the illustration of this sort of evolution of creation. While times have changed from the time of these murals (1930’s) to now, the ideas shown in the artwork show an accurate portrayal of progression within a society. “Public culture can be contentious, especially in a country that values individualism, freedom of expression, and First Amendment rights, and yet also prizes communal experiences and relationships” (p 10). It is explained how public art has to be viewed like politics in a tolerable and respectful way. The importance is to focus on a meaningful and productive view rather than a hateful one.

Public art is often viewed and used in a way that illustrated civic needs and community hopes. Doss continues in explaining that, “Often because it is controversial, art can play a central role in shaping and directing community identity..” (p 11). These murals being placed in a University gives students something to respond to and reflect on. Art is a form of expression and it is through public art that individuals have the ability to make a statement, bring up an issue or tell a story. Doss states at the end of his article, “We must teach ourselves and others to listen and to hear our stories because it is in the very specificity of the human experience that we learn compassion” (p 11).

The spirit of a place is shown in this work through the beliefs as symbols. In the introduction of the murals it explains how the tree base symbolizes human aspiration. As that tree grows and evolves Mother earth provides new materials in order to grow and inspire new forms. This also touches on the idea of civic improvement and learning to adjust to change within a community. Overall, these murals give inspiration and an example to many students and viewers. While it may not be up to date, it lays a foundation for the future. These images give others a chance to examine and build off of these beliefs without being disrespectful to the time and manner, which they represent. I value these pieces as art. They may not address every issue perfectly, but that is the beauty of our ever changing world of art.

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