By: Austen Hammon
Army veteran, Patrick Garner, has found success in finding a job working concessions for the Eugene Emeralds, despite the negative stereotypes most veterans face when trying to get a job.
Patrick Garner, 28 years old, is a student veteran at the University of Oregon. During the Summer, Garner is employed by the local minor league baseball team ‘Eugene Emeralds,’ where Garner works concessions selling beer around the stadium.
Working concessions for the Emeralds might not be the flashiest job, but “it’s laid back, fun, and I get to watch baseball for free,” Garner says. While working for the Emeralds is only part time, Garner also has two other jobs working for the student REC center, and is currently the treasurer for the ‘Veterans Center’ on campus.
Garner hands a thirsty fan a beer during the second inning of the Eugene Emeralds vs. Hillsboro Hops game. Most of the time Garner likes to converse with the fans when selling beer, he says that it make his job more enjoyable and helps pass time.
Since the Emeralds are owned by the major league team ‘Chicago Cubs’ they like to have the organization sell beer that’s from Chicago (Heileman Old Style beer). Garner says that when he restocks the ice for the beer in his tub that the tub can weigh up to 40 lbs. Not only is that a lot of weight to carry around but it also puts a lot of strain on your back after a long game.
During Garners quick breaks, he likes to converse and joke around with his fellow co-worker Thomas(Left). Thomas, like Garner, was in the military, however, Thomas is a Marines veteran whereas Garner is an Army veteran. Much of what the two like to converse about is baseball and their military branches.