Art Directors

Trained in visual concepts and design, collaborators with writers:

Ben Cadwell (Art Director & Designer)

I’m a good communicator, a good teammate willing to go the extra mile for the benefit of the whole. I’m maybe too ambitious as I want to multi-faceted and talented in my career. I have a great bullshit detector and a better eye for smart design. My skillset is in communication, design, and art direction. My talent is asking questions and using humor as a tool to making friends.

I want able to put the people I admire and work with as my peers into the spotlight. My belief is you must become the person you aspire to be, and put in the hours when nobody is watching to get what you want out of life. I’m interested and anxious about the future. I’m invested in working on social issues. I’m aware that my battle is not with the world, but with myself.

Ellery Cogswell (Art Director)

I am hardworking, hungry, and having the time of my life being creative every day. My single most important asset is being overly passionate, if that’s even a thing. With a planner filled to the brim with obligations fighting my love for design, I’m an Olympic-level balancer and AP Testing question asker. Soaking in, learning all that I can, and taking initiative through conversations with experienced friends, professionals, and personal supporters is what’s kept me ready for anything.

Ashlee Eakin (Art Director & Designer)

I am passionate about art direction and design because it subtle, yet everywhere. In life and design, I learn from everything I experience. From taxi cab conversations around the world to volunteering in my local community, I am taking my experiences and using them in my work.

Maggie Elias (Art Director & Producer)

The best way I can put my “thing” into words is by calling myself a design-minded systems builder. Which, in my head, combines a bit of art direction, strategy, project management, and production. As an art director in the undergrad program and a jill-of-most-trades in the Master’s of Advertising and Brand Responsibility program, my most fulfilling work hasn’t been a specific project or a campaign, but instead the opportunity to elevate, support, and mentor other students. I believe that kindness counts, that anybody can draw, and that watching movies absolutely counts as research.

Camille Feinstein (Art Director & Designer)

Art has been my passion throughout my entire life, whether that be through music, dance, or creating something of my own. Specifically, music is a passion of mine that has yet to fade out. I see music as a powerful tool for evoking emotion, and inspiring creativity. I have chosen to follow this direction as I feel that it is an especially unique tool within the advertising industry, especially as things become more and more digitally focused. Choosing to pick up a multimedia minor has pushed me to merge all forms of art which I have learned to practice and love.

Katie Fugate (Art Director & Designer)

I’m a creative small town girl who’s interested in all things fashion & advertising. I believe in the art of doing things – big or small. I believe that to achieve big things you must take risks, which includes just doing things! I’ve worked with a few different start ups and corporations on things from influencer marketing and small campaigns to sales and customer service. I love all types of creativity (including painting, sketching, and mood boards) and am fluent in illustrator, photoshop, and indesign.

Kevin Galloway (Art Director, Designer, Social Media Strategist, Photographer & Producer)

I am a Swiss Army Knife of content production. I have experience with production, design, art and creative direction. I believe that there is a growing power in all kinds of content production which is only getting stronger as social media’s presence continues to invade our society. I have worked my ass off since high school to be where I am today and I believe that my portfolio reflects my work ethic.

Amanda Gehrich (Art Director)

I run track and cross country for UO while also majoring in environmental studies and advertising. My favorite part of athletics is being a part of a team. Beyond athletics, I am looking forward to bringing my mindset and drive into advertising. I believe my perspective on the environmental issues we face will also be beneficial to brand responsibility in the industry. I aim to focus on the creative side; possibly art direction. However, I am open to other roles. I do love solving problems through visual creativity though. I have an eye for photography and design and am always trying to better my skills in Illustrator and Indesign. I love the outdoors and being outside (trail running, mountain biking, skiing, etc.). I think this is why I care so much about environmental issues. I believe that passion is not necessarily what you do, but it is what you bring to what you do.

Bryer Hataishi (Art Director & Designer)

I am a senior who specializes in art direction and design. I think my talents lie in creating visual concepts and leadership.

Jessica Yoon (Art Director)

I have grit. I want to become better in skills and as a person. Therefore, I love getting feedbacks on my portfolio and my work in the things I need to work on. I don’t like failing but I understand that i need to in order to do better next time. I notice things others may not because I like to consider myself observant. I focus on details while not deviating too far from the big picture. That’s why I like to be an art director because I have ideas and ways it could go. I’m pretty different from the rest and I can do great things!!

Patty Karafotias (Art Director)

I intertwine science and creativity through the stories I tell. I enjoy strategic design and the emotional capacity narratives hold. I work in a physics lab where I study leaf cutter ants and continue to learn scientific principles applicable to everyday life. I am a hybrid of science and design.

Kelly Kondo (Art Director)

I was born and raised on the island of Oʻahu, commonly referred to as Paradise. Growing up in Hawaiʻi led to my love for the outdoors and my deep respect for culture.

Currently I am a member of the MABR cohort. I am passionate about art and design, and strive to be an art director. My professional experience ranges between art direction, design (advertising and editorial), and social media (strategy and content creation).

Kendall Kriska (Art Director & Designer)

I am a true Oregonian who is inspired by the Pacific Northwest that I feel so fortunate to be submersed in. Traveling has fueled my love for photography, which has allowed me to see the world through wherever I decide to point the lens. I have an eye that notices the small stuff, all working parts that make up a bigger picture. This vision has sparked my passion for art direction and design. I am a natural born leader, but also know when it’s important to listen and learn from others.

Lauren Y Jin (Art Director & Designer)

I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades, or at least someone who can put on the hat of a copywriter or a strategist and be comfortable with it. As of now, I fit primarily into the art director/designer role and I’m most comfortable with Photoshop and Illustrator. I’m interested in advertising because I love the problem-solving part of it and the raw ideation that exists only in this industry. Professionally and personally, I think I’m at my best when I can riff off of others.

Grace Levy (Art Director & Strategist)

I am a curiosity-driven strategist and a content-driven designer. I believe in hard work, advocacy and that everyone’s greatest asset is their unique perspective. Out of the box thinking/ problem solving excites me and the best work is smart work.

Marin Nielsen (Art Director & Designer)

I aspire to be Audrey Hepburn: a socially responsible, wise and elegant BOSS. Similarly, I hope to bring those traits to the table as an Art Director. I have a passion for combining strategy with aesthetics and creating content with meaning beyond face-value. I’ve enjoyed working on DuckTV and the 44.9 documentary, among other projects, and am looking forward to many more to come.

Matson Merdler (Art Director & Designer)

Hello there! I’m a designer obsessed with layout, typography, illustration and branding. I understand design strategy, and am able to take projects from concept to production and thoughtfully consider how design can support a project’s vision. In my spare time I like to make collages and try every great restaurant I can find. 🙂

Mert Kocabagli (Art Director, Designer & Experience Designer)

I am a designer who focuses on creating accessible and memorable products for brand experiences. I studied communication design which inspired me to create human-centered experiences that enhance usability and improve the user experience. I have worked on a wide variety of client projects including data-driven platforms, complex digital products, campaign concepts-builds, and branding.

Marin Motylewski (Art Director & Designer)

My name is Marin Motylewski and I am a senior graduating from UO in June 2020. I am an advertising major pursuing Art Direction + Design as a focus. Throughout my four years at UO, I have pursued opportunities to grow my thinking and creativity. Here are a few of the opportunities that I have pursued: interning abroad in Sydney, Australia for three months; joining two student-run agencies on campus, Allen Hall Advertising and Allen Hall Media, as Art Directors for both; working as a salesperson for various local artists from the PNW, joining our on-campus publication, Flux Magazine, as an Editorial Designer, and pursuing passion projects of my own such as crafting to life deliverables for the Young Ones Competition with CW partner. I am interested in how collaboration and creativity can come together to create fantastic, honest work. I ask a lot of questions because there’s a lot I don’t yet know about the advertising industry and I am constantly eager to learn more. Overall, I am interested in pursuing any opportunity that will grow my “big idea” thinking and allow me to be a sponge to other inspiring creatives.

Alia Nizam (Art Director, Strategist & Social Media Strategist)

I am an abstract thinker and try my best to think outside the box, but still have it make sense to others. I love social media platforms and finding inspiration through various people and art. Specifically, fashion, set design, and doodles. I love music and creating playlists on Spotify. I am good at finding problems and issues in advertisements that are controversial. I am a shy extrovert, but love interacting with people and making everyone feel comfortable. 🙂

Park SeoYeon (Art Director & Designer)

I can use Illustrator, Photoshops and Premiere, but interested in learning more and developing skills deeper.

Julia Pham (Art Director)

I aspire to be the next Anna Wintour from Viet Nam. My interest ranges from the business aspect of the industry to the creative side. I do not like to be categorized under a specific forum, which limits my creative thinking. I have been specializing in portrait and commercial photography, but I am also progressing my skills in writing, reporting and design. An interesting thing that I have been hearing while my time at the UO is most SOJC students chose this path because they don’t like math. For me, I like math, I like business, but I dislike writing, which is ironic because I am also pursuing a Journalism major.

Hunter Reed (Art Director)

I have a passion for art direction that is guided by my studies in design which have built an a strong understanding in typography and color theory. I’m passionate about the subcultures and visual tones from music, fashion and graphic design. I let my passion and background in environmental studies be reflected in all my work.

Jackson Reed (Art Director & Designer)

I am an art director and designer from Portland, Oregon. I have a lot of experience working in Adobe Suite, specifically working in Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop and XD. I love working with typography. Ask me questions about my favorite font right now, then ask me again in a month because it will definitely change. I’ve also been learning and speaking French for most of my life.

Jay Russaw (Art Director & Media Planner)

I am a left-handed scorpio with a perfectionist mindset and a desire to constantly be pushing boundaries both in my work, and my personality. I believe in transparency and vulnerability. My mantra is “Do no harm, but take no sh*t” and I live by that.

Samantha Santana (Art Director)

I strive to be humble before I am proud, adaptable before I am shaken and above else, kind instead of falling into competition. I run off of my drive to be apart of something I am proud of and my constant hunger to learn more. My hard skills include illustrator, photoshop and premiere. My soft skills include empathy, communication and the ability to develop and help people grow. On the side, I love to romanticize life with incredibly intricate playlists and pretend I’m the lead of my own movie.

Zebulun Stock (Art Director & Strategist)

My name is Zeb. For the majority of my life I’ve been thrown around the United States before eventually ending up in Portland, Oregon. It was in Southeast Portland that I spent my adolescent years and was eventually accepted to the University of Oregon on an incredible scholarship. As a first-generation college student I’ve been forced to learn fast and grow faster, developing into an extremely driven and hardworking individual capable under pressure and in the face of adversity. My entire life has consisted of approaching walls that have grown higher and higher but I’ve always managed to find a way over (or through) them. I’ve had an extremely unique journey that has lead me to my current position in life and caused me to develop a unique perspective that I’m eager to share with the world. I’m passionate about nutrition, athletics, music, artistic expression, the planet, and progress! I bring a perspective and work ethic that is unlike all others. No matter the table, I bring something to offer!!

Susannah Turley (Art Director & Designer)

I am skilled conceptually with my ideas and how I bring them to life. I have an eye for color and moments, and I enjoy sharing what I capture. I work really hard to do well in school and more importantly in life, maintaining healthy relationships with myself, family, friends, peers, etc. In the advertising program is where I’ve really found myself and what I want to do, I’ve never been more challenged in my life and I’ve never succeeded so much. Being apart of this program shows me that there are still a million and one things to learn, and that inspires me to become more deeply engrained in whatever way I can.

Aiden Ullman (Art Director & Designer)

I’m an extreme extrovert who loves to entertain others and has a fascination with storytelling.

Georgia Weeks (Art Director)

Hi, I’m Georgia. I found a love for art direction when I was younger, through working in New York as a model on set for various magazines and designers. I was lucky to see some of the most creative and talented creative directors in the fashion industry working in action, and felt inspired to learn how to do what they do. I believe the best way to learn is through critiques, everyone’s opinion matters. Everyday I learn something new in the world of design, and I am eager to keep growing.

Madison Whitcher (Art Director & Designer)

I’m a senior with a major in advertising and 3 minors (business, comparative lit., and multimedia). I’m familiar with most aspects of adobe creative suite, but my favorite application is procreate. I’ve struggled to find my place in the advertising world, but for now I’m enjoying my time at Oregon and finding new ways to express myself creatively.

Nicole Williams (Art Director & Designer)

Hi! I’m Nicole Williams and I’m an Art Director and Designer.

Professionally, I aspire to be and work with big dreamers, do-gooders, and collaborative problem-solvers.

Personally, I live for that hot cup of medium roast in the morning, my plant family, and my guinea pig sons, Hamish and Horatio, the lights of my life.