Turning Point

By: Adam Eberhardt

As far as Kylee O’Connor is concerned, the only thing different about her track season this year will be the colors she wears. Formerly a Lane Community College track and field standout, O’Connor earned her way to a spot on the revered Oregon track and field team. In the middle of her preparation for the outdoor season, O’Connor finished up her first indoor season with Oregon. Instead of participating in the heptathlon like she had at Lane, she has shifted her focus to the 200 and 400 meter races.     

O’Connor’s strong performances in 200 and 400 while at Lane eventually landed her a walk on trial for the Oregon track team in the fall of 2016. Hours before she was supposed to arrive at Hayward Field for the tryout, Kylee received a text that the tryout was cancelled due to weather. “I was not happy because I was just ready to get it over with,” she said.

At the rescheduled tryout, each athlete participated in a sprint drill the coaches showed little sign of positive or negative feedback. It wasn’t until after O’Connor had finished one of her drills that one of the coaches finally broke the silence, exclaiming that O’Connor had completed one of her sprints noticeably better than the competition.

After the conclusion of the tryout, O’Connor received an email informing her that she had been invited to a second tryout. Arriving at Hayward, her heart was pounding as she walked over to the group that was gathered around coach Taylor. As O’Connor made her way toward the group, Coach Taylor came over to her and said “you’re good!” Stunned, O’Connor managed, “I’m good?” An email mix up had resulted in Kylee not getting the news that she had made the team until actually being told by coach Taylor in person. “It was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders to be able to know, I’m good.”

Now a full time journalism major at the University of Oregon, O’Connor splits her time between several student organizations as well as her commitment to the track team. Her roots in sports have pushed her toward working for Duck TV, KWVA and the Daily Emerald. After her last season of track next year she will continue to study journalism until her graduation. Post graduation O’Connor would like to continue doing work related to track and field as well as sports in general.