Word of the Day-Confidence

January 30, 2015 in Uncategorized

Confidence is a great word for what we have been talking about lately. When it comes to the workplace and professionalism, I have all of the confidence in the world. I am confident in my competence as an employee and I am confident in my work ethic. I go into work every day, no matter what the job is, and push myself to be the hardest worker that day. Not only that, but I strengthen my confidence by trying to leave work every day knowing that I was the hardest worker.

One area professionally that my confidence could improve, is in getting the network connections needed to make the big moves I want in my career path. I don’t always have the confidence that I’ve portrayed my abilities and how well I would fit into an organization as well as I would like. If I can improve that aspect of my confidence level, I know that I can begin to make some great moves in terms of where I want to go professionally.


April 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

To whom it may concern,

My name is Adam Bailey and this page is dedicated to showing the work I have done in just my first two years as a full major with the Journalism School at the University of Oregon.  Please find that the tabs at the top of the page will direct you to the different projects I have completed, as well as a copy of my resumé.  With this portfolio, I hope to show possible employers my experience using Final Cut Pro X as well as my ability to use Adobe Photoshop, conduct interviews, take photos, write articles, cut audio, and use Adobe InDesign.  On the copy of my resumé you will find my email and I encourage all who see this portfolio to contact me with any questions regarding the content on the page. I thank you for your time in viewing my portfolio and for reading this short introduction.


Adam Bailey

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