We have 4 tutors for international students. Bios and photos coming soon…



Chenxiao “Curtis” Xu


I am currently enrolled in the Master of Accounting program.

This is my 6th year at UO.

In my spare time, I enjoy taking photos, playing the trumpet, and cooking.

It is my pleasure to help students improve grades and succeed in challenging courses.​





Monica Yu


Major : Finance and Economics

I’m senior student from Taipei, Taiwan and I like going to the gym, studying at the Starbucks and traveling around the world!

I’m currently studying GMAT, hopefully to get into some good grad school in the future!

I also like golfing during breaks!​







Tessa Kehoe


Year: Sophomore

Major: Human Physiology // Minor: Economics

I am a sophomore studying Human Physiology and Economics!

I am interested in being a pediatric physician with a  specialization in infectious disease.

Economics has always been an interest of mine and I hope to pursue it later on in my career and apply it to developing health policy.

I have taken 201, 202, 311, and 313 economics courses at UO so far and look to complete my economics minor within the next year or two.​




Junlin “Ray” Li


What’s your major/minor?

Where are you from?
I am from China, the south part. Before I came to Eugene, I was in San Francisco for my high school.

What’s your hobby or interests?
My hobbies are reading books, studying, and sometimes watching TV show. I am interesting in playing card games, which help me to engage in critical thinking.

What advice would you give to international students?
Go to your class, listen to your professor, and do your homework.