Artifact 8: Remixing Google Image Search

Learning Unit Objectives

Original Post


List:  Harmony, Uniqueness, Indifference, Inspiration, Peacefulness (in picture)

Tranquil, Creative, Persistence, Expressive, Abstract


I choose this to be a artifact of the portfolio because this my favorite one of all topics.  The process of remixing is really fun. And the most interesting part is to list 10 words in your mind. But after I remixed all the images I found from Google Image, I started to look at my work with some questions. The first one is: is this really my work? I came up with this simply because it was basically derived from collage. And every single element I use in my work was not my original  piece. I cannot even be certain this should be considered as my work. The second question is: can what I did be defined as being creative? Assuming the work can be considered as my originality, it is not very carefully constructed like a real artistic work. Even if there should be no similar piece existing in the whole world, but is it creative?  By doing this assignment, I was able to examine my own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media. This work also reinforced my understanding of the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”.

In the reading, Lessig stated, “RO cultures required the permission of copyright owners before RO culture could be remade”(Lessig, 98). This helps me understand the copyright issue based on a culture analysis. The reading reveals some issues about copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works. Also, the comparison to RW culture gave me an idea of two totally different culture media: “This is the first difference between RO and RW cultures. One emphasizes learning. The other emphasizes learning by speaking. One preserves its integrity. The other teaches integrity. One emphasizes a hierarchy. The other hides the hierarchy. No one would argue we need less of the first, RO culture. But anyone who has really seen it believes we need much more of the second” (Lessig, 87-88).

Future Intention

In the future, I hope I can apply what I learned in this chapter and will be able to evaluate artistic authenticity. By the study of remix culture and copyright regulation, I will have more comprehensive review of remixing. I think I should be more aware of the bottom line due to the copyright law when we are creating a remix culture. And this is also a notice for me not to copy or steal other’s work without reference.


 Lessig, L. (2008). Comparing Cultures. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy (pp. 84-116). New York: Penguin Press HC, The.


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