Artifact 1: Life Value Assessment

Learning Unit Objectives

Original Post


Personal Development

Personal Accomplishment



After taking classes in the morning, I started the first day of my very first job today. I played tennis after finishing my job. Then I went to a friend’s home and had some drink. Apparently, taking classes or we say “study” represents my pursuit of personal development and accomplishment. It is also a must-have for me to achieve to be creative and prudent. As for the job, I consider it as my path to be experienced so that I can be well equipped to achieve in my future career. It should represent my values of wealth, leadership and power. But all the things I am doing right now and what I will do in future are based on my aspiration from my family. I always put my family on the most important place in my life. In other words, my human values are built up on the responsibility for my family. Drinking and partying, for one thing, is for my own enjoyment, for another is for social networking (friendship if you want to call that). Playing tennis is an exercise good for my health.

To be honest, there is none of the top five values inheriting from my family. Even if I put my family on the top of my list, it is just a manifesto that I treasure my family very much, but it is not influenced by any values from my mom or dad. My family got through a lot troubles and misery, and this just makes me more convinced that family is the most precious thing in my entire life. I have been fascinated with finance since high school, especially with Hedge Fund Financing. My goal is to be a strategic and smart hedge fund manager. On the one hand, it can show my personal values as a successful businessman, and on the other hand, it just can enrich and empower my life and my family. Unfortunately I am struggling with some depression issue, which could be a big problem to overcome if I want to achieve my dream. But, no worry, I will pull through.


This assignment made rethink my life in multiple perspectives on a daily basis. By looking into things in my daily life, I got a much clear picture of what I have been doing and what my personal values really are. Lewis wrote, “Perhaps we are not driven by immutable instincts. But we might still be controlled by…our personality, by peer pressure, or by relentless demands of society…” (1990). This makes me realize the fact that my motivation to pursue a successful career in future is partially influenced by my peer community. And this corrects my understanding that only internal values drive me to do what I have been doing or what I want to do. In other words, this truly helps me deeply understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual. In my list, I topped my family, since I found my family empowers me to make almost every decision, and the pressure from outside, such as my peers, job market, is pushing me further in my life.

I’ve seldom looked into myself in such an objective way. The learning of this unit gives me a good opportunity to discover the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philosophical endeavors. This is a world that psychology, biology, philosophy are all interconnected. Our human values are built based up on this complex web. Another important thing is that I have learned how to explore my values system. As Lewis said, “it is unarguable that freely chosen values supplement instinct as the driving force within human beings, and that without values human behavior would be directionless, chaotic, and ultimately self-destructive” (1990). The best way for us to explore us is looking into our daily behaviors and connects them to our inner emotion reaction system.

Future Intention

The thing listed above right after “my family” is “personal development”. Even if this is ranked second, I barely can shoulder the responsibility of supporting and loving my family without the help of it. Thus, I need to work harder on my personal development. This can include a lot of stuff, like my academic standing, my personal skills construction. With this recognition, I hope me to be a better man in every single way. Whenever I feel lost and upset in near future, this could be a good reminder of my life goals and drive me to pull through.


Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.


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