
  • Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity

Creative Spirituality

I believe I have always known that artists tend to be more closely in touch with their spiritual side. In order to be creative, it is almost a necessity. I believe Grey summed this up well when he said, “When an artist encounters an artistic subject, love opens all of his or her eyes.” (p. 73). In order for an artist to create something truly beautiful and/or moving they need to learn to tap into this virtually endless well spring for creativity. And once they learn to tap into it, then they will create some of their best work.

Until this assignment I hadn’t thought much about the difference between spirituality and religion. Through this assignment I came to realize that they were extremely different. Here is an article that breaks down one person’s belief. I think that you could ask a hundred people and get 200 different answers. The short end of it to me is; religion is organized while spirituality is not. Often times religions have rules, where spirituality is much more about internal reflection. My religious life is incredibly spiritual, but you could argue that some one who is spiritual has no religion.