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Being an outdoorsman, I find joy in taking the time to learn about the ways of Mother Nature. Duck hunting is such an intricate way of learning about how the ways of a species interacts with Mother Nature and all of her glory. Andrew McKean captures the beauty of how the smallest detail can make or break this beautiful sport. Understanding how these beautiful birds move, live and react is more than just a simple task. One must spend a great deal of money to gain the proper tools to execute a successful day of duck hunting. While there are hundreds of different species of ducks just in North America, one could argue that there are just as many strategies too. McKean brings the readers into the the elaborate setting of dozens of duck decoys, calm clear water and distant call of an approaching target. Within the Tips and Tactics: How to Hunt Ducks, there are explanations of what kind of shot to use, flight patterns, lists of species and food/bait recommendations. This is all described while drawing you closer to his world: the glorious outdoors. Andrew McKean is truly a master of his craft and displays photographs throughout his blog that help better paint the picture of how to hunt ducks. Exploring new territories and species of ducks is truly exciting. “So why shoot them? In short, it is a hunter’s paradox of the truest kind: The waterfowler hunts ducks because he loves them.”—K. W. This is how the outdoors and hunting should be viewed. There is so much more to discover outside these walls and even city limits. Understanding the habits of ducks and how they are in the wild is exactly how one can learn to enjoy the hunting of ducks.