Artifact 1: The Nature of Human Values


• Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philoshopical endeavors

• Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual

• Explore one’s own value system

1) What is my Sunday like and how that revealed about my values




When thinking about the question: what are my top values? I almost think that I don’t know myself well enough. There are just so many things I value: integrity, family, loyalty, security, romantic intimate interpersonal relationships…In the deciding of top values, I find it is quite hard to rank everything. Human values are not just statements that could be easily expressed. Through one’s life experiences and familial heritages, one slowly gains the understandings of value and form one’s own set of values. Values are complicated, profound and dynamic.

I think that through the exercise of reflecting and connecting my Sunday activities with my values, I realize that values could be subliminal and very unconscious, quietly shaping our daily life experiences. Values determine what one get from life and what one could bring to the whole world. It was not until I outlined my top values and carefully decided on what are my top values that I began to really think about the question: What values determine who I am today? How is my personality shaped by the internal and external influences? I feel like I got to know myself better after this unit.


In the future, I am aiming to continue exploring the construction of values throughout the years. I think that by understanding and discoursing my values better, I would be able to become a person that is of integrity and good morality. Understanding oneself is a good way to help one make righteous life decisions.


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