I sit in a coffee shop in downtown area and watched people for an hour. I am surprised by how many unique individuals I encountered during this one hour people watched and I found many interesting people.
One of the people is a tall, white woman with short hair. I guess she is around 25-30 years old. She appeared to be very serious looking and she wore a pair of glasses. She is around 5’10 tall and she is very skinny. She wore a marmot brand dark blue puffy jacket and a pair of black jeans. She had a mountain bike with her and she was wearing professional triathlon shoes. According to my observations about her physical appearance, I think that she is very active, healthy and fond of sport events. She looks very refreshed and energetic. According to an estimation of her apparels and her bike, I think she must be a middle class young professional, although I am unsure of her specific occupation. Moreover, I think that she is the type of people that don’t usually show their emotions through facial expressions and she seems very cool regardless.
Another person is a black male with drop waist, baggy camo pants and half of his underwear exposed. He appears to be around 18-22 years old, very skinny, wearing baseball snap-on that says’ punk’ and a black tank top. As he was walking, he was smoking weed and his postures were very strange. I guess his drop waist pants made him unable to walk in a more natural way. He also threw random glances and stares at people passing by and I think that he probably didn’t have anything to be busy with. To be honest, I don’t really have a good impression of this guy and I thought that his smoking of weed was really inconsiderate to people around him because of the smell and everything. He appeared to be somewhat ‘ghettoish’ and reminded me of the group of teenagers that robbed me on a bus last summer. I think that his health condition is okay but not great because he smokes weed.
The third person I find interesting is an Asian American girl dressed in crop tops, high waist shorty shorts, a pair of black high heels and was wearing a floral hairband. She also had very heavy make-ups on and her blue eye shadows seem very exaggerating. She appeared to be very happy and was walking super fast even with those high heels. She looked tanned and toned, so I think she is really healthy and happy. I guess that she is a college peer around 18-25 and I feel that she is very typical Asian American and very different from my female friends who are from Asian. My Asian female friends are generally more reserved and dress in a more conservative way. I am not too sure about her economic status but I guess she is a wise shopper because her apparels seem very trendy and fashionable. She looked like she is a very sociable person.
I think that my values come from my family: my parents love outdoor activities, and hence I am familiar with the lifestyles of people who seem out-doorsy. I also seemed a bit racist because of my bad experience of being robbed on the bus. I am very aware of the difference between Asian Americans and Asians so I think that is a good thing that I have culture consciousness.