Artifact 6: Creative Spirituality


  • Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity


Creative Spirituality

“What is the difference between merely looking at a thing and actually seeing it” (71)?

“To see deeply and to understand are different from mere looking or observation” (74)

Reflections: We are living in a century that people have to live with high information technology everyday. We are doing everything on a very quick basis. Sometimes, we seemed to catch up with time, but we miss something that is really important in our lives. Something we see and we perceive can be spirituality. We are looking at different things everyday, but do we really “see” them and then “paste” them into our mind. Ideas often come from experience. If a person has experienced more than another person, it would be much easier for “a person” to come up with some creative ideas.

I believe the creativity comes from people’s experience as well as their perceptions and inspirations of things. In the unit-9 post about the remix culture, Lessig mentioned that do not let laws choke the young generations’ creativity. Creativity is the use of people’s imagination and ideas to produce art works that would surprise people. People are able to use their imagination and ideas to create something that are brand new to the world, and these “brand new” things are valuable to everyone. I would say that as young generation, we need to be creative in a everyday life, but at the same time we do need to follow the rules. This discussion definitely helped me to think deeply into spirituality, how it has impact on artists. Also, later on in the unit-9 post, the understanding of spirituality helped me to better examine that it is important to add spirituality into creating a new “mixed culture”.

Future goals:

Even though I do not have a specific religious belief, I will learn to build up my own spirituality. I will self reflect more often about what I have done for the day, and what my future short-term would be. I think the understanding of spirituality and future understanding of “remixed culture” definitely have a impact on my life. Life is full of changes and challenges, I need to be more creative and attentive to my future adventures.

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