People Watching

I have observed around thirty people and I chose the three individuals that I think are the most interesting ones. My chose to sit in front of the UO Lundquist college of business. The first individual is a Chinese girl who wore a red short skirt, a silky white blouse and a pair of Stuaart […]

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Essay on Fast Food

Essay on Food Art The article I consulted is called: “ The restaurant and fast food race: who is wining”. It is an article written by Douglas. Brown, a professor at Georgetown university. This article intrigued me because it discusses the social behavior of choosing between fast food and food at the restaurant and provided […]

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Is food art? Yes it is!

Is Food Art? Discussion   I consider food as art; not because I am a ‘foodie’, but that I think if we understand art as “an inherent universal (or biological) trait of the human species” (Ellen. D, page 1), we could see that food is after all, something that should be recognized as art just […]

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Discussion about art

What is art for discussion   In Ellen D’s discussion about what is art for, she mentioned that art ‘,ust be viewed as an inherent universal (or biological trait of the human species’. (page 1). Her idea of art is unique because of her multicultural background and her main argument is that art is a […]

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Today, I wake up at 10am and went to the gym for two hours. I then went to a career networking social event with the business fraternity that I am part in. After the networking event, I had lunch with my close friend and we had a meaningful discussion about personal developments. Thinking about my […]

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Unit 2 Discussion 1

In this week’s reading, the author pointed out the question of “Confronted with the unpredictability, complexity and quarrelsomeness of human values, with the apparent lack of any real agreement or uniformity in our personal evaluations and beliefs, the evaluations and beliefs that guide our everyday speech and conduct, how should we respond?” (page 5). The […]

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Something I read

China’s Steel Production   This is an article about China’s steel production. This is a rather boring news article, however, I think that this article reflected that China has become an economy large enough to impact the world. I feel very proud but at the same time I am worrying that China might not […]

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