Nov 15: Man-on-the-Street Interviews


aaa_spaceKristina Ljubanovic, Laura Stein, and Christina Bagatavicius from the Bruce Mau Design team caught up with some students outside of the LaVerne Krause Gallery during an exhibition opening. They conducted brief interviews with students from A&AA and other schools on campus. The conversations touched on topics including why they chose the University of Oregon, their impressions of A&AA, and the most inspiring places on campus.

Edited Transcript

Nov 15: Architecture Session



This session included one long-tenured professor from Architecture. The Bruce Mau interviewers were Kristina Ljubanovic, Laura Stein, and Christina Bagatavicius. Some of the emerging themes included the distinctive culture of A&AA that values cooperation, as well as the necessity of preserving that culture; the importance of encouraging interdisciplinary work while maintaining the integrity of individual disciplines; the unique value of the studio-based education; balancing the benefits of Eugene and Portland; and the need to improve access on many levels.

Edited Transcript