Loostrom_Leah_Light Study

From the beginning of the project, I have been imagining the light in my space as diffused in some areas and direct in other to create a dynamic space that is both sculptural and intriguing. The weave-like pattern on the exterior would inform the space similar to how trees inform the area around it, both allowing light to pass and shading the ground below from it.


img_1943                                                         concert-hall-in-blaibach-by-peter-haimerl-architektur_dezeen_468_16

Effect of trees on shadows.                                                                                          Bavarian Concert Hall | Peter Haimerl

Leah Loostrom | Midterm Review

The spirit of my design is centered around the exterior façade and the light that will inevitably pass through. The design celebrates the public spaces and puts the behind the scenes work along the perimeter. The overall effect of this system is to create open, inviting spaces for the public so they will want to return to enjoy the space. The walls of the interior are forming interesting spaces as the walls are set at different angles to create a dynamism of space. The hallways are not symmetrical as a result and instead are created to allow for narrow space that then expands into a larger simg_1860pace to help guide people through the building.


My design initially started with the idea for the façade. I was inspired by the pattern of weaving and thought that a façade that incorporated that aspect would be intriguing. I then made a series of floor plans that fit within my desired exterior shell. As the orthogonal lines became less than ideal, I moved for polygonal shapes for my interior. I believe the overall effect is satisfactory and is aesthetically pleasing. I had several reviewersimg_1918 say the floor plan looked good, though they couldn’t explain why they liked it, it just had that feeling about it. As a result of the midterm review this week, I am reconsidering the floor plan and overall shape in how it will really
emphasize the façade.



My approach has been different than my classmates because I started with the façade.
Many of my other classmates have focused on an emotion, nature, or systematic layout of how img_1876they would like the space. Since I am starting with the exterior and moving interior, I am dealing with some different

I plan to continue exploring the possibilities that designing the plan with the façade as the central focus, instead of allowing it the same hierarchy as everything else will help
me resolve the issues talked about during my review.img_1928