some references that are fun to look at with regard to diagrams.
Of course the ones you’ll find on firms’ websites and in publications have all been refined and polished for dissemination… but they were initiated because they were valuable tools for process – both analysis and communication.
Landscape Firms with diagrams central to site analysis work:
(the following links will take you to a specific project by each firm)
- Lateral Office
- Guy Nordenson and Associates
- MVVA (Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates)
- Rios Clementi Hale
Architecture Firms with diagrams central to practice:
- MAde Studio
- REX Architecture (
- OMA (Office for Metropolitan Archietcture)
- Morphosis
- Field Operations
- Aires Mateus
Art and Diagrams intersect:
the funny and irreverent brought to my attention by my friend Ned Baxter:
- Diagram of bodily excretions found in San Francisco
- the ideal living environment for a chicken
The funny poop map reminds me of a great Radiolab episode that explains how homes displaying pumpkins correlate with community engagement, from the book Everything Sings
Also Rebecca Solnit’s beautiful Infinite City http://www.7×