Rhino Drafting Notes 02 – Lines

Rhino drafting and printing (avoid using Illustrator except for a background tone):

Line weight

In the LAYERS panel use the “Print Width” to the far right. Set your widths by layer, like Autocad. Set the “Linetype” by layer like AutoCad.  I add a layer for DWG-Edges, DWG-Dashed and DWG-Centerlines and set their line type and weight.

Plans and section 

use Clipping Plane and then Make2D. Use the Make2D and locate the “Visible Lines” “Visible clipping planes” and “Annotations.” You should make and name a layer called “DRAWING” and then sublayers before Make2D so you can select them.

Drafting Tools

use Trim, Extend, fillet (Radius change to 0).

Dimension Lines

type “Options” and then Document Properties then Annotation then Dimensions then you can make and edit dimensions styles. To make dimension lines use the ‘Aligned dimensions‘ in the Drafting tab at the top. I suggest adding dimensions in the modelspace for now and adjusting the scale in dimension styles.


(Similar to Paperspace in AutoCad)  Below where you see your viewports (you should see Front, Right, Top) click the plus “+” symbol to make a new viewport. Click New Layout. Set your printer and paper size and rename the layout. Click “Ok.” Select the outer rectangle, click on the Properties panel, then the icon to the right called Detail. This will allow you to set the scale in the “feet in model.” You can also check Locked to not accidentally change the scale. Back in the drawing you can double click inside the rectangle to switch to modelspace to zoom and pan. Click outside the rectangle to get to Paperspace. then select the viewport rectangle then go to the Properties panel again, Detail icon and reset the Scale one more time if necessary. We tend to use https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/layouts5   for Rhino drafting help.


(PDFs) Set the printer to your PDF driver. Check  “Black and White.” Then click Print.  You have a black and white drawing with line weights and line types. Avoid Illustrator if you need to do simple, measured plan and section drawings.

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