– wind rose and sun rose
– 3 d parti
– to understand social and ecological conditions of place.
– to measure Phenomena of the site including atmospheric data and social data
+Traditional Urban Design site analysis
– infrastructure
– sociological methods: observations; interviews; socio grams from public
– urban section, plan
Site location: City of Eugene
– Hult south wall, Kesey Square two walls, Park Blocks rear building facades, EWEB waterfront utilities buildings or Steam Plant, or justice space??? Should connect to other decentralized public location in Eugene.
– urban ideas: how to reflect place, Willamette to Willamette, problems or solutions,
– responsible for street section at wall location.
Program: surface that connects the inhabitants of Eugene.
We will try to present these ideas to the City of Eugene Will Dowdy , Zach Galloway, Robin Holstick, new director of Cultural Services.
Affect human behavior (theory of interaction) people must engage.
You will work in teams of two (one group of three).
W1 Intro and feedback, Arduino 1
Philippe Rahm video
W2 Arduino 2, Ladybug, site visits, site documentation, place documentation.
Iñaki Abalos vídeo
(Lacaton Vassal and Kiel Moe assigned via post)
W3 GIS VIZ TOOL, Arduino 3
Project book: project description and initial site documentation due with reference to 3 readings and 2 precedents.* thursday draft, 10%
– Street design Presentation
– Weather Phenomena, landscape and animal timeline Presentation (Minard, Field Operations, SA+UD)
– 3D parti diagrams (Studio Gang)
W4 Site visits and data acquisition with 8 Barcelona Arduino kits.
W5 Presentation of projects* (midterm). 25% Identify new Arduino kit that is class coordinated to build 4 or 8 units. Individual responses from review (post).
W6 Workshop to develop Arduino and Design
W7 Project crits
W8 Presentation*. 30%
Prepare for public Presentation
W9 Workshop for public Presentation. (Projection?)
W10 no class
Final project submission and plan for public Presentation.* 35%
* Indicates graded assignment.