We run into an issue in grasshopper were we use the HUMAN plugin to visualize data in in color gradient but when we attempt to…
Please familiarize yourselves with Salvador’s work and that of the Agency of Ecological Urbanism. The section 12 social cohesion principles of the Certificate of Sustainability…
Below are some different diagrams used to explore scale and self-sufficiency in cities. Notice they all work in black and white! line weights, line type…
download Arduino for Windows or Mac Toptechboy Website- Arduino Lessons Please do lessons 1-5 (website or video with headphones): Arduino Lesson 1: In…
Towards a self-sufficient habitat, by Vicente Gaullart, Head of Urbanism, City of Barcelona http://elpais.com/diario/2009/03/28/opinion/1238194813_850215.html This economic crisis is a fantastic starting point to physically change…
Do the following 3 tutorials. We will again provide revised definitions. You will need to download the ELK plugin (Elk v1.0) and (Elk 2.0) to your Grasshopper….
Speranza Architecture + Urban Design Birch Fircrest Residence – Eugene, OR unbuilt Team: Philip Speranza, Ryan Kiesler, Julia Frost, Kayla Zander, Kevin So, Allen Suwardi…