I’ve decided to merge two of my hobbies by blogging my reactions to the comic books I read each week. Here’s my first installment. Are there spoilers? You betcha! This was a big week for me, with eight books, because I skipped last week (it was a fifth Wednesday). As you know, comic books are […]
Tag archives for comic books
My comics pull list
I’m a big comic book fan. I have been since I was a little kid. To give you an idea of my mania: when I was in college at the University of Tennessee, I discovered that I could buy comic books with my meal plan money… I went through a phase, as many comic book […]
You can only have three hobbies as a scientist. And you should!
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. That’s because blogging trades space in the third of my three hobbies. You’ll understand if you read to the end. The title of this post might sound like I’m going to prescribe three hobbies from which scientists must choose. Nope. Instead, I want to suggest that as a […]
Introductory post
Here’s the post where I get things started. I plan to have three main kinds of posts here: 1) Constructive reviews of interesting papers from the 4D biology literature. I plan to pick out my favorite papers from new journals each month and give a plain language review. Sometimes I will also review comic books. […]